What is the minimum investment to open a Donor Advised Fund?
We make charitable giving accessible, simple, and effective. That's why we have no minimum to open an account. You may make a contribution of any size at any time.
Can I select where my money goes?
Yes, you can advise on the qualified charities to whom you would like the money in your DAF to go.
Is there a minimum grant amount?
Grants can be made for as little as $50, enabling donors to use their accounts to facilitate most of their charitable giving.
What if I need assistance with planning for my legacy?
For those that don’t already have a team of trusted advisors, we have a network of financial, legal and accounting professionals, and we will happily provide a referral.
What are the costs?
A one-time set up fee of $500 is charged to open a Donor Advised Fund. Thereafter, the Donor Advised Fund is assessed an annual fee of 1.5%, which covers investment management and administrative costs.
Does my account transfer to my heirs upon my passing?
You can name successor advisors to the Donor Advised Fund you establish. The successor advisors can continue to make grant requests from the DAF.
How often can I distribute money to my favorite charities?
You can make grants to your favorite charities as often as you would like.
How do I get tax preparation documents?
An annual summary of your tax-deductible contributions will be posted to your account each January. You will receive an email alert when it is available.